It’s astounding, time is fleeting...and once again it’s time for Soundproof + ANZA LOVE to take control of your favourite ghoulish holiday by presenting Rocky Horror Halloween. We’re taking over the castle so you can time warp your way through both rooms. Aren’t you lucky? I’m lucky! He’s lucky! WE’RE ALL LUCKY!
Just follow the light...over to the Anza Club place!
Cover (door only, no pre-sales)
$15 before 10pm
$20 after
Playing upstairs in the Lab:
DJ Miss Innocent
Dark Arps
Alexander Hamilton
Juice Box
Playing downstairs in the Drawing Room:
Marty Spencer
Nigel Ray
Tyler Stadius
Mike Lee
I see you shiver with antici….PATION!
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Earlier Event: October 25
Booked for Private Event
Later Event: October 27
Booked for Private Event